Saturday, October 30, 2004

Neo-Marxism; not for everybody

Took quite a blow yesterday.

It seems that my initial action has been diluted to one event and even if it gets to the next level of appeal, the workplace bullying that is inherent in the complaint will not be addressed.

Do I grieve it again/still?
Will it make my situation any better?
Will I care?

They have won in one analysis.
If I stay and work-to-rule and take the megabucks will I have won?

Just call me Donna:
"She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right"

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Doing a John

Whilst doing a John may sound like it's sex work it's actually in honour of my boss John Winston Howard.

John; the ultimate public servant - my role model.

I have decided that I will not actively participate in my demise from TEAM SAG.
John said, some weeks before his fourth successful term;
"Well, I will stay as long as my party was (sic) me to. I will also do the right thing by them. I will always do the right thing for the people."
John has been successful by being steady and measured. Under his brinkmanship I believe that I can breathe in and out in the vicinity of my office for months before anyone realises that I have done very little and I am found out...
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Miss Happy pants

Every team has an optimistic person.
TEAM SAG is no exception.
Our very own optimism Queen believes that if you just keep trying (and praying) then everything will be OK.
I will be observing this particular sacrifice...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Harm minimisation

Coach will be away most of the week getting a new coat of paint/high colonic irrigation/auxiliary brain fitting...I'm not sure which.

Either way it equates to harm minimisation at TEAM SAG.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Motherhood statements for barren Bovines

The workplace conference is now almost over.
Motherhood statements abound.

We are so fucking pathetic that we needed to codify interactions as courteous and polite.

I'm hoping now that Howard has ditched Dana Vale all that insipid, breathy, saccharine insincerity will be ditched too.
Unfortunately TEAM SAG didn't realise that Dana is last term and so is her insufferable ineptitude.

Perhaps we have to have our own version of the Bay of Pigs before we realise that communication has to have purpose, differentiation and at times it will be robust.
"Excuse me, um is now ok, sorry, um, sorry to bother you, but is now a good time to tell you that a fully loaded Fennec training helicopter is heading straight for our building and um, I think, um, sorry to worry you, no, no, don't get upset, sorry, um, we might become potentially affected people, um or should I come back later?"

Friday, October 22, 2004

Rode hard, put away wet.

There were not enough buckets for all the vomit, but everyone else reported they felt purged.
Funny, the experience felt more like force feeding to me.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Individual psychic vomit

Today I had a follow up ind psych vom from the Compliance King (CK).
This is my second hour and a half of this level of unease and discomfort.

It feels like more of the same 'be nicer' stuff.
Well, what about the systematic workplace bullying?
What about the secondary review?
Any thoughts on the call for zero tolerance of bullying in the workplace from the Head one of her infamous 3-page e-mail missives?

Tomorrow will be tough.
Group psychic vomit.
Head Coach,
all in the one room,
all day,
lunch provided

Saturday, October 16, 2004

TEAM SAG might be a Coach killing machine!

Yay, TEAM SAG will be visited by a workplace conferencing team in the next 6-8 weeks. It seems Head Coach and LLL are suspicious of TEAM SAG and believe we are hiding a Coach abattoir.
"The time for action is past!
Now is the time for senseless bickering!"-Ashleigh Brilliant