I need a new job!
- Name: Bessiemoo Boadicea Cow.
- Age: 19.
- Education: Veterinary Sociology and Anthropology, Self-actualising Bovinty studies, University of Notre Dame Broome Campus, Western Australia, Australia.
- Experience: Experiential research into the sexual positions for Water buffalo (the sexy beasts) with a disability who demand full access to artificial insemination (funded by Bovine Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission BREOC). Sam's Offal delicatessen incorporating Sam's Leathergoods and scrimshaw. Big M flavoured milk R&D section, working specifically on prawn flavoured milk.
- Skills: Mooing, Milk and cream production (has dropped off a little of late...sorry) Ruminating.
- Interests: Skydiving, Firearms, Global warming, hexadecimal systems, line dancing.
I am VERY motivated to graze a pasture and drop poo completley outside of TEAM SAG.
I will work hard to keep my damaged-by-the-Public-Service Tourette's in check.
Yes, even as all the kiss-up kick-down Alpha herd are talking mediation and people-matter and zero-tolerance of workplace bullying.

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