Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Mortar fire is still a long way off

We have had our conference at TEAM SAG.
We will be getting new brochures with our new corporate identity colours.
We will also need to do more with less.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Public Service almost takes life

This RAAF member was treated so shabbily (and illegally I might add) that he almost took his own life.

We assume that in the Australian Defence Forces there is the likelihood of suffering at the hands of the enemy. What then, if the enemy wears khaki and an Australian flag?

If I hear that recruiting into the ADF is difficult; I will not assume it is because people do not want to be killed by insurgents in Iraq or stuck in ships in the Indian ocean. I will however consider that it may be because the Department of Defence is

big on rhetoric

and small on action.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Padre Paul

I was out on the weekend and who should be checking my appropriate attire and ID, but Padre Paul.
Even when he helped out at TEAM SAG I was concerned about his credentials and motivations.

My question to the padre is WWJD?
What Would Jesus Drink?
I'm thinking he would have a little water with his wine; don't you?!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Relaxation at TEAM SAG

This time of year is always quiet in our little corner of the Public Service. Our much valued skill and expertise is just not as critical to our handful of customers.

I believe they are getting their needs met elsewhere. With our vigorous data capturing program we can't invent customers as easily as we once used to.

Sorry have to go...
*start rumination*
must look busy for Coach and LLL.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

TEAM SAG has had its security systems checked.

This is what they recommend.

When the cow is away the calves will play...

and we calves are terribly addicted to our caffeine.
What fun!
Coach can stay away forever.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Head Coach; quite the prize-winning cow!

Deep throat informs all that LLL is close to becoming fertiliser.
Changes to the organisation are likely to take out middle management.

Head Coach says,
"We are in a drought! Time to take the excess cattle to the sale yards."

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Milking time

We at TEAM SAG are all going to be herded into a cattle truck and taken to a Royal Agricultural Show.
It seems the SAGETTES will be inspected for:
  1. skills held
  2. volume of output
  3. time/motion efficiency
I can't wait!
I hope some nice farmer plays with my udders.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Group Portrait

Homo-social bonding

TEAM SAG is meeting with all the other SAGETTES to help move the Organisation forward.

Consultants are being retained to co-ordinate our publications, our levels of service and our customer profile.
Eek, egad and all that.

I can feel a beige spell looming.

Spotlight aimed!

Received confirmation that contact has occurred with the government body protecting my 5.29 rights.
It is quite an analytical feat to predict what will happen. So far Head Coach, Coach and LLL are quiet.

This will be interesting to observe.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Inter-species frolicking, and other gambols.

Met with the only other goddess ever to grace TEAM SAG.

What fun.
Stories of splashing with dolphins and other aquatic mammalia,
the combined weight of a really deep tan,
and the gorgeous,
frothy artwork on top of a good Mocha.

The time to end came way to soon.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It's the nature of the beast, just don't put your head in its mouth.

This is what one of my beautiful brothers said to me...
Thank you M.

  1. A valid case exists
  2. Head Coach, Coach and LLL are refusing to address the recommendations
  3. Parallel organisations designed to implement the decisions are either corrupt or inept (probably a bit of both)
  4. Clause 5.29 enshrines my rights
Today I posted my letter that will land on the desk of a Government body that will shine a big spotlight on me, my case and my Organisation.

I am prepared for the accusations.
I am prepared for the lies.
I am prepared for the viciousness.
I plan to emerge vindicated.