Mortar fire is still a long way off
We have had our conference at TEAM SAG.
We will be getting new brochures with our new corporate identity colours.
We will also need to do more with less.

An insider's view of the Australian Public Service.
We have had our conference at TEAM SAG.
This RAAF member was treated so shabbily (and illegally I might add) that he almost took his own life.
I was out on the weekend and who should be checking my appropriate attire and ID, but Padre Paul.
This time of year is always quiet in our little corner of the Public Service. Our much valued skill and expertise is just not as critical to our handful of customers.
and we calves are terribly addicted to our caffeine.
Deep throat informs all that LLL is close to becoming fertiliser.
"We are in a drought! Time to take the excess cattle to the sale yards."
We at TEAM SAG are all going to be herded into a cattle truck and taken to a Royal Agricultural Show.
TEAM SAG is meeting with all the other SAGETTES to help move the Organisation forward.
Received confirmation that contact has occurred with the government body protecting my 5.29 rights.
Met with the only other goddess ever to grace TEAM SAG.
This is what one of my beautiful brothers said to me...