V, v, very mad Cows
TEAM SAG around Australia is very much like this angry cow from Nigeria - A cow which strayed and killed a bus driver has been detained by police authorities in Nigeria.
"The cow has been arrested and is being detained at Trade Fair police station," police spokesman Olubode Ojajuni said.He says the bus driver was urinating in a corner when the cow struck him from behind.
"As the man fell down, the cow repeatedly hit him with its hooves and horns until he died." he said.I spoke to some of the Dutch Belted Cattle (also known as Lakenvelders), the Aberdeen-Angus', and the Milking shorthorns who are all V, v, very angry cows.
Breeding stock for TEAM SAG has dried up and no one wants to come and play in our paddock...and everyone is telling me
"No thanks Minister, I've been fucked over enough"

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