Deadlines Schmeadlines
We have regular all-staff meetings at TEAM SAG. They are designed as a forum to meet and share relevant information.
Coach is fabulous at bringing e-mail print outs that run along these lines,
"We've received a request for input into the policy relating to calves. Oh, I see we've missed the cut-off date for submissions, but if anyone is interested in having their say, I'll circulate this and you can respond."
"Oh, here's another request for input from the Minister...Ah, we've missed this cut-off date too, but if anyone is interested, I'll circulate this and you can respond"Could this be classed as bovine abuse and neglect? Not only in the missing of deadlines, but then telling us of the opportunities we have missed.
Coach should apply some colonic irrigation to her inbox.
Somebody call the RSPCA!

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