Light under light, dark under dark. So sayeth the panty police.
Victoria is renowned for all seasons in one day and the weather did not let us down when we organised our annual Family day.
The pony rides were booked. The face-painters, clowns and fairies were a vision of tulle, diaphanous wings, glitter and red noses.
Balloon animals were being twisted and squeaked into their bipedal forms and the onions were caramelising on the barbecue.
Then the sky opened and the rain came down.
Umbrella escorts were organised for the littlest of little people and their care-givers. Hasty thank you and see you next time was exchanged and the lunch ended.
Alas, this service did not extend to TEAM SAG Staff (mainly due to the lack of umbrellas). One staff member who that morning had fatally grabbed a dark coloured g-string panty instead of a light coloured one was caught with her big white arse inside her big white pants as a display all of its own.
Thankfully a fellow staff member who demands more from his aesthetic than most of us offered her a jumper to tie around the offending sight.
The lesson here is always match your underwear to your outerwear and personally I can't believe this is not covered in Management 101.

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