De-establishing the establishment
Head Coach at TEAM SAG has de-established some 10 upper management positions.
We low-level ruminators can only watch in amazement seeing these crusty old fucks (like LLL) come to terms with their own demise. Of course there will be a handover/takeover time built in so Head Coach isn't expecting to see the new low-fat beef in Canberra before February 2005. These 10 have to vie for 5 positions if they stay on with TEAM SAG. Those of us who have observed organizational renewal ad-nausium have mid next year as a more realistic time frame.
I am postulating that TEAM SAG will be ready to be privatised by the time the 'new" Senate is in place. There will be no pesky left, left-middle, middle wing Senators to get in the way of privatising everything!

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